Connection Groups are smaller groups that gather together regularly because they either have something in common or share similar interests. Larger gatherings simply cannot foster deeper connections the way smaller gatherings can. Our Connection Groups allow for more conversation, fellowship, prayer, study, devotion, and service… many of the ingredients necessary to foster growth in our relationship with God and others, and to strengthen our devotion as disciples. So, take a look at our Connection Groups and consider joining one today!


Bingo is fun! Bingo has prizes! Bingo is a great way to make friends and enjoy time together! And everyone is invited to join us.

Bingo meets every First Monday of the Month at 1pm.


What does C.A.P.A.S. stand for? It’s an acronym that means “Crafts And Pillows And Shawls.” And what is C.A.P.A.S? It’s a Connection Group here at Morehead that makes the above items for hospitals as well as students with special needs. You don’t need to know how to sew to be part of this group. If you want to spend time with good and fun-loving folks while helping to make something special for someone, then this is the group for you.

C.A.P.A.S meets the Third Thursday of every month from 1pm– 3pm.

Game Day

Game Day is a great way to make friends, fellowship with folks in our community, and keep your mind sharp. Everyone is welcome to join us.

Game Day meets every First Wednesday of the month at 1pm.

Let Prayer Change Your Life

You are welcome to join us each Friday at 10am for a short time of learning about prayer and spending time in prayer, for our personal spiritual growth and to pray for our church. We will experience a variety of ways to pray from week to week. This is not a commitment to come each week, just come whenever you are able.

Morehead Chicks

Welcome to the Morehead Chicks. We are a caring and loving group of Christian women who love the Lord, love fun and fellowship, and strive to serve our church and community through local mission. Each year we find special ways to express our appreciation for the work that Fire Fighters and Teachers do; we pack blessing bags for the unhoused; we collect school supplies; we host an Advent Tea; and we support church-wide events in all sorts of ways. We would love to have you at our next meeting.

The Morehead Chicks meet the Third Saturday of every month at 10am.


The United Women in Faith (UWF) is a community of women whose purpose is to know God; experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and expand concepts of mission through participation in the ministries of the church. Here are a few of the missions and ministries in which we participate: Red Bird Mission, Out of the Garden Backpack Program, Weaver House, Rooms at the Inn, Hannah’s Haven, World Thank Offering, Tabitha’s & Summerfield Peace Christmas Store. We would love to have you at our next meeting!

The UWF meets the Second Monday of every month at 11am.


Attention men of all ages! Do you enjoy having fun and interesting conversations with good men over a good breakfast? Do you enjoy spending a few moments in devotion and reflection? Then the United Methodist Men (UMM) just might be for you! There’s no commitment, no joining fee, no signing your name on the dotted line, and you certainly don’t need to be a member of Morehead UMC to come. And feel free to invite others. We look forward to seeing you next month!

UMM meets the Second Saturday of every month at 8am.

Women's Bible Study

Have you thought about joining a Women’s Bible Study, or wondered whether or not it’s for you? Consider this: attending can be a unique gift that allows you to build deep, meaningful relationships for everyone involved while growing to understand God’s word more profoundly. You won’t leave with all the answers, but you will leave with a better understanding of God and who you are in relation; and you will also find a group of Christian sisters who are there for you.

The Women’s Bible Study meets each Tuesday at 6pm.