"Everything old is new again" goes an old song. Well, here we are again, a New Year and we are heading back to an old pattern: 9am & 11am. Both of those services will be online beginning this Sunday, January 10. Our IN PERSON Outdoor Service will be moving to NOON each Sunday we have good weather. Here are the reasons we're moving back to our old pattern of Worship:
-Preparation for return to in-person Worship. Our trustees have purchased a disinfecting fogger and will purchase an air ionizer for our HVAC to provide the safest of all possible inside environments for us.
-We are receiving a switcher from Catalyst Church at a discount. We are grateful to this Christian community for passing on their used equipment to us at a discount as they upgrade their systems.
This will further improve our online Worship sound through a mixing board and by adding another camera.
-Ideally, it is warmer at NOON!
We have learned, it takes us several weeks to adjust to new technology. Our audio-visual team needs the extra time between services to make the adjustments necessary to improve. We will need the time to disinfect between services when we return inside. When we return to Worship inside the Church building, we will need 6 people per Worship Service each Sunday to serve on the Health & Safety Team (2 Temperature Checkers, 1 Wiper, 2 Ushers, 1 Fogger). That's 12 people each Sunday to help keep us healthy and safe. Please pray for the day we will return inside and pray for willingness to serve for a month at a time in each of these capacities.
Here's to a Safe & Healthy New Year!
On behalf of your Church Staff--Lisa, Christy, Cristian and I want to thank you all for your generosity and kindness towards us through your Christmas Gift. Our Staff-Parish Team are dedicated to the health and well-being of our staff and we all benefit from their service. We are privileged to serve this faithful body of Christ. We appreciate your kindness and willingness to "go the second mile" in thanking us!
Grace and Peace, Veranita